Conferences in 2013

Conferences  - Papers and/or Presentations
  • Godfroy, A. GenderTime: How to assess gender equality among researchers across Europe? 9th meeting of STEP (Science and Technology in the European Periphery), Lisbon, 1-3 September 2014. Online

    Godfroy, A.: "Les normaliennes de la rue d’Ulm between 1910 and 1939: who and why?" In T183 Session "Twentieth-century sciences in comparative (inter)national contexts-Modern French science: economy and institutions.", International Congress of History of Science, Technology and Medicine (ICHSTM 2013, Manchester, UK, July 24 2013).

  • Godfroy, A.: The Cumulative Effects of Science Norms on Gender Inequalities in Academic Careers Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science  (4S, San Diego, California, October 9 – 12, 2013) 
  • Barnard, S., Hassan, T., Bagilhole, B., Dainty, A.: A European approach to gender equality in higher education institutions? BSA Work, employment and society Conference 2013 (University of Warwick, September 3-5, 2013)

Conferences - Poster Sessions

  • Barnard, S.: Private higher education in the UK: experiences and perceptions of executive and academic staff, Education and Learning: Sociological Perspectives conference (University of Surrey on the 25th September 2013 )
  • Dahmen, J.: GenderTime project, GenderSummit (Washington, USA, November, 13 – 15, 2013)
  • Dahmen, J.: GenderTime Project, Structural Change Promoting Gender Equality in Research Organisations (international conference under the auspices of the Lithuanian Presidency to the EU Council, Vilnius/ Lithuania, November 21-22, 2013), see Electronic Poster Exhibition