Incremental Transformation Process Monitoring Tool


This tool focused on setting and achieving intermediate goals. It also aimed to define gender impact relatively and contextually in relation to the starting point in each GenderTime institution. Focusing incremental change in specific contexts means acknowledging that the success of gender equality actions is dependent on the status quo compared to which these actions are adopted. The aim of the tool was to stimulate a discussion about how indicators, both qualitative and quantitative can be identified and defined.

Methodological Approach: 

The Incremental Transformation Process Monitoring Tool was constructed using a user-friendly template that allowed for tailor made monitoring of each GenderTime institution.

The tool was developed as a workshop concept in which the GenderTime teams could reflect together and exchange experiences and lessons learned.


The use of this tool confirmed that the road to structural change can be anything but straightforward and instead take several different, unexpected turns. It also emphasized the importance of keeping the goals in mind during the implementation process, as well as being flexible when it comes to redefining the goals when encountering both success factors as hindering factors.