Composite Indicator on Gender Equality


The UNIPD-GEI consists of a system of gender equality indicators specifically selected and tailored for Universities and Research Institutions. The aim of the tool is to understand and choose the appropriate instruments for measuring the degree and quality of the implementation of the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) adopted in Universities and in Research Institutions. The goal is to adapt methodologies based on existing indicators to a context that relies on micro-data regarding specific local research institutions and individuals

The UNIPD-GEI assesses the impact of gender policies in the European Union and in Member States over time. It is a unique measuring tool that synthesizes the complexity of gender equality as a multi-dimensional concept into a single summary measure: its value ranges from 1, standing for absolute gender inequality, to 100, standing for full gender equality.


Methodological Approach: 

In order to provide the architecture of the UNIPD GEI we derived part of the structure from the EIGE GEI using the same domain-based approach, However, the EIGE tool conceived to compare countries, is not intended for the academic environment, based on people. In the existing literature on the systems for measuring gender equality in Academic and Research Institutions, a good solution for this problem can come from the Sister Projects community. The GenisLab Project has defined several important indicators in the framework of the “gender budgeting” approach specifically tailored for the academic environment.

Therefore, the resulting  architecture of the UNIPD-GEI is based on a combination and a tailored-to- academia declination of the EIGE domains (work, money, knowledge, time, power, health) and the GenisLab domains (Space, together with money and time with a specific declination for academia) considering that these are the areas around which is worthy to collect data.




